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location.href='#error'; fmgHandler.highlight_fields('" . join(',',$sErr['fields']) ."'); " ; }; } // end of function phpfmg_form() function phpfmg_thankyou(){ if( defined('PHPFMG_REDIRECT') && '' != PHPFMG_REDIRECT ){ echo ""; }; ?>
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AnyThingMusical.Com, Inc.
P.O. Box 496, Newell, NC 28126
Telephone: 704.777.1569
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 Copyright 2007 AnyThingMusical.Com, Inc. Created by Scott Radek.  AnyThingMusical.Com, Inc. is not responsible for typographical errors in pricing,  specification, and inaccuracies in  our  catalog or web site. Prices are subject